

You can define method or script-level constants. Once defined, constants cannot be changed, and they should be used to define some constant values for specific method (say, a role identifier or price for action) or script.

Constants can be defined as primitive types (integers, bool and address) and as a vector. They are accessed by their names and are local to script/method where they are defined.

Accessing constant value from outside of its method is impossible

script {
use 0x1::Debug;
const RECEIVER : address = 0x999;
fun main(account: &signer) {
// they can also be assigned to a variable
let _ = RECEIVER;
// but this code leads to compile error
// RECEIVER = 0x800;

Same usage in method:

method M {
const MAX : u64 = 100;
// however you can pass constant outside using a function
public fun get_max(): u64 {
// or using
public fun is_max(num: u64): bool {
num == MAX


What is important to know about constants:

  1. They are unchangeable once defined;
  2. They are local to their method or script and cannot be used outside;
  3. Usually they are used to define method-level constant value which serves some business purpose;
  4. It is also possible to define constant as an expression (with curly braces) but syntax of this expression is very limited.