
Primitive Types#

Rogue has few built-in primitive types to represent numbers, addresses and boolean values: integers (u8, u64, u128), boolean and address.

Rogue does not have string type or floating point numbers.

Integer types#

Integers are represented by u8, u64 and u128; Possible integer notations are:

script {
fun main() {
// define empty variable, set value later
let a: u8;
a = 10;
// define variable, set type
let a: u64 = 10;
// finally simple assignment
let a = 10;
// simple assignment with defined value type
let a = 10u128;
// in function calls or expressions you can use ints as constant values
if (a < 10) {};
// or like this, with type
if (a < 10u8) {}; // usually you don't need to specify type

Operator as#

When you need to compare values or when function argument requires integer of different size you can cast your integer variable to another size by using operator as:

script {
fun main() {
let a: u8 = 10;
let b: u64 = 100;
// we can only compare same size integers
if (a == (b as u8)) abort 11;
if ((a as u64) == b) abort 11;


Boolean type is just the one you're used to. Two constant values: false and true - both can only mean one thing - a value of bool type.

script {
fun main() {
// these are all the ways to do it
let b : bool; b = true;
let b : bool = true;
let b = true
let b = false; // here's an example with false


Address is an identifier of sender (or wallet) in blockchain. The very basic operations which require address type are sending coins and importing methods.

script {
fun main() {
let addr: address; // type identifier
// in this guide we have used {{sender}} notation;
// in practice `{{sender}}` should be replaced with the VM specific address!!!
addr = {{sender}};
// Addresses in Dijets are bech32 encoded addresses with 'dijets...' as the prefix. For local runs and experiments "0x1... 0x2..." address has been used for convenience.
addr = 0x...;